Resources to help utilise the reCare system.
Guild members can access reCare at the discounted Guild rate of $50 less per month than the standard rate when subscribing for 12 or 18 months. For more information, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Details how a prescription moves from general practice, to the patient, to community pharmacy, and how it appears at each stage - who sees what.
Instructions on how to add your own drug intervention or customise one of reCare's preformatted interventions to share important information with your patients.
Instructions on how to set up an automated repeat reminder service for patients.
A template which can be customised for your pharmacy, to inform customers about the introduction of the automated text messaging service. The leaflet can be included in prescription bags. This message can also be adapted as a post for your Facebook page.
Instructions on how to send a text message to patients to let them know their prescription is ready for collection.
Description for each icon on the appbar and what it does.
Provides an overview of functions accessible on the homepage, including the functions that are free to use and those requiring a paid subscription.
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